ET Art. Part 2.

Dec. 11, 1995.

Here is part 2 of the lurking information of my computer. John Winston.

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Our History with the Pleiadians

The story begins when we first entered this third dimensional universe through the stargate in the belt of Orion. Various solar systems (including the Orion system itself) were inhabited by various races. The main race we are concerned with here is one that inhabited the planet system at Lyra, and are presently known by us as the Lyrians.

With much effort, the Lyrians developed technology and space travel. However, this being early on in the development of our galaxy, they were still rather primitive as far as spiritual wisdom goes, and therefore would often fall into conflicts among themselves, just as we on Earth have done in our own history. The Lyrians eventually divided into two groups: those who felt that they should expand militarily and control as much of the universe as possible, and those who desired peace and non-interference.

The peace desiring Lyrians eventually left their planet in search of a different place to settle where there would be no more war (leaving the original Lyrians to fight among themselves). They searched until they found an amazingly fertile and uninhabited planet, our Earth. They settled Earth (after editing their genetic coding so that they could live in our atmosphere), and redeveloped their technology. This means that Earth humanity's ultimate ancestors are the Lyrians.

Run away from your problems, and they will follow you until you deal with them. Unfortunately, the Lyrian-Earthlings hadn't really eliminated their violent tendencies, and soon fell into fighting among themselves. Once again, there was a split in the race, and a group of them emigrated again, leaving to search for *another* planet, where they could *really* get it right this time, and no longer have conflict. So this group searched and found a new star system which had been formed relatively recently, the Pleiades, and settled the various planets there. Note that this means that we of Earth are technically the ancestors of the Pleiadians, and not the other way around. The colonization of new worlds can explain how we and the Pleiadians can look almost identical, and also how an advanced race can live in a star system which is relatively new.

These early Pleiadians by now were emotionally messed up, having had to evacuate their previous home planets twice previously. They realized that unless they did something different, they would just fall into conflict again. Therefore, they turned inward, meditating a great deal and experiencing their inner worlds, starting their spiritual path. Again, with effort, they redeveloped technology, but they kept to themselves, and did not fly around the universe. Soon they were living in such an inner Piscean world, that they began to lose touch with reality, and had escaped from and became unaware of external things happening elsewhere in the galaxy.

This was still long ago, and the majority of the galaxy was still in a spiritually unenlightened state. The other two races, the Earthians and the original Lryians, were still fighting among themselves (and therefore kept on destroying their technological efforts, falling behind the Pleiadians.) However, there was a completely different race, the Empire of Orion, which was able to grow and gain great power. This empire had the aim of taking over the galaxy, and were advancing all over conquering race upon planet. A great galactic war ensued which was basically the Orions and their henchmen vs. everybody else. The "everybody else" formed the first confederations among different planetary races (and it was among these confederations, that long ago plans for our Earth eventually being a great galactic library were formed). Our Pleiadians, however, with their heads in the sand, didn't even know that there was a war going on all around them.

Eventually the Pleiadians woke up to what was going on, and needless to say were quite distressed. They has supressed the violent instincts within their subconscious all the way from Lyra, and it wasn't until now they proceeded to take action. Confronted everywhere with the conflict that they abhored, they completely threw themselves into the fight against the advance of the Orions, trying to defeat the Orions externally, although one could say that in fact they were fighting against their own internal feelings.

The Orions didn't like this new enemy and fought back against the Pleiadians. The turning point in the story was when the Orions destroyed one of the beautiful planets of life in the Pleiades. (This burned out lifeless planet today still lies in the Pleiadian system as a reminder to them of their past; although we shouldn't be too hard on them, after all in *our* solar system we not only demolished but completely broke apart the planet that used to lie between Mars and Jupiter, remaining as reminder to us as the asteroid belt, although that's another story.)

The Pleiadians, having now awakened to their own denials, pretty much had two choices as to how to proceed. They could overcome their past by learning about the Orion system, their "enemy". Some actually chose to incarnate with this group, although needless to say, once one got in, it was a much more difficult task to obtain spiritual liberation, although those who were able to do so would obtain a vast amount of knowledge and experience of how the universe really works.

The second route that the Pleiadians who stayed with their own solar system took, is the one that concerns we of Earth the most. Now the Orions' imperial conquests were stopped by the combined efforts of everyone else, and peace was restored. The defensive groups that had been formed evolved into the Intergalactic Confederations and the Brotherhoods in existence today, just as our own United Nations evolved out of the aftermath of World War II (And as for how Orion itself has evolved since then is another story.) The Pleiadians were told that they would have to be in touch with a young evolving civilization, until that growing civilization reached spiritual maturity. It was in this way that the Pleiadians hoped to get in touch with their own negativity, and truly achieve full maturity in their own right. The civilization that the Pleiadians monitored was, of course, our Earth, their earlier home.

These events were still thousands of years in the past, and they marked the beginning of the Pleiadian involvement with our early Earth civilization. They landed among us in their ships and helped bring more order and distribute wisdom to those barbaric times. This is why the Pleiades appear so often in ancient art and in the alignment of various structures of old civilizations. However, as the Pleiadians say, we have all at one time abused power, in that it's all part of the full three dimensional experience. At this time, the Pleiadians weren't completely free themselves from the lure of power. Also, as less evolved civilizations tend to do, we of Earth began treating the Pleiadians as gods, and some of them obliged, taking pride in their lofty status with us.

Meanwhile, it had been decided long ago that Earth would have a special role in the galaxy, and was going to play the role of something like a great galactic library where all the races could share and store their wisdom. (And some of the earlier fights over this "prime piece of real estate" can explain how the Pleiadians are ahead of us even though they originally emigrated from Earth.) Anyway, as we of Earth began to evolve, the many, many other already evolved races in the galaxy started taking an interest in Earth, too, and started their own analysis and landings. The Pleiadian "gods" didn't like this intrusion, and for a while were even jealous of the presence of the other systems. The Pleiadians did come face to face with their own negativity, although not in the way that they expected!

In the years that have passed since this last of many learning experiences for the Pleiadians, they (along with the Lyrians and many of the other races) have evolved well beyond that stage of wars or abusing power. The Pleiadians are a relatively advanced race and have even helped out their old ancestors, the Lyrians, with certain things. They are still evolving themselves - they have admitted that to us - although as we of Earth mature, our Pleiadian siblings are taking an increasingly active involvement with us. The Intergalactic Confederations from long ago have since perfectly evolved into part of the Great White Brotherhood, the Ashtar Command. (Note that other alien races have played and will be playing major roles in our past and future; for example the Zeta Reticulans have an important [positive] place in our future, but that is another story.) One goal of these great Confederations, of which the Pleiadians are a member, is to help protect us (although still maintaining the policy of non-interference) from some of the less mature alien races that are still out there (although today such races are rather rare) until we can develop to a point where we can protect ourselves. And unless we destroy ourselves first, there will come a point where we can talk to our aliens directly, and become a member of the Confederations ourselves. That time may not be as far away as we think...


Part 2.

John Winston.